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The Development Facilitation Program (DFP) is an accelerated assessment pathway for priority projects in identified sectors to inject investment into the Victorian economy, keep people in jobs and create homes for people. All applications lodged to the DFP will be determined by the Minister for Planning or the Department of Transport and Planning under delegation.

Renewable energy projects with an installed capacity of 1 megawatt or greater will be eligible for an accelerated planning pathway under the DFP to support the state’s transition to renewable energy.

More information on planning for renewable energy facilities.

DTP also offers a case management service for existing for residential planning permit applications or planning scheme amendments that have been unreasonably delayed more than 6 months with a development value of greater than $10 million.

DFP eligibility criteria

All applications must meet the DFP eligibility criteria or be declared by the Minister for Planning as a priority project to qualify for accelerated assessment and determination.

Eligibility is based on:

  • meeting the DFP sectors and financial thresholds
  • demonstrating investment certainty
  • including a development component that can commence within 12 months

DFP sectors and thresholds

An application to the DFP must be for a project in a priority sector that meets the metropolitan and regional eligibility thresholds listed in the table below.

Land uses
Industry (other than materials recycling, refuse disposal, transfer station, service industry and warehouse)
Research centre
Research and development centre
Regional $10 million DC
Metropolitan $20 million DC

Land uses

Animal Production
Timber Production

Regional $10 million DC
Metropolitan $20 million DC

Land uses

Data centre

Regional $10 million DC
Metropolitan $20 million DC

Land use

Tertiary institution

Regional $20 million DC
Metropolitan $30 million DC

Land uses

Medical centre

Regional $10 million DC
Metropolitan $30 million DC

Land uses

Research centre
Research and development centre

Regional $10 million DC
Metropolitan $20 million DC

Land use

Earth and energy resources industry
Extractive industry
Mineral exploration

Earth and energy resources industry $30 million DC
Extractive industrythe estimated value of the resource to be extracted must be at least $30 million
Mining and mineral exploration$10 million DC

Land use


Regional 5,000 sqm GFA
Metropolitan 10,000 sqm GFA

Land uses

Accommodation (other than camping and caravan park, group accommodation and residential hotel)


$15 million DC and must deliver at least 10 per cent of the total number of dwellings in the development as affordable housing.

If the application has a rezoning component the following must be met:

  • The general locality has less than five years of residential supply.
  • The land is within a defined settlement boundary and is supported by state, regional and local policy.
  • The provision of civil infrastructure and services is demonstrated as being readily achievable and supported by servicing agencies.

$50 million DC and must deliver at least 10 per cent of the total number of dwellings in the development as affordable housing.

If the application has a rezoning component the following must be met:

  • Is supported by state, regional and local policy.
  • The provision of civil infrastructure and services is demonstrated as being readily achievable and supported by servicing agencies.

Land use

Retail premises (other than food and drink premises)

Regional $20 million DC
Metropolitan $100 million DC

Land use

Motor racing track
Residential hotel
Camping and caravan park
Group accommodation
Leisure and recreation
Exhibition centre
Function centre
Recreational boat facility
Place of assembly
Major sports and recreation facility
Minor sports and recreation facility
Outdoor recreation facility

Regional $5 million DC
Metropolitan $10 million DC

Land use


Regional $10 million DC
Metropolitan $30 million DC

Land use

Renewable energy facility

Regional / Metropolitan1 megawatt installed capacity

Land use

Utility installation (other than data centre)

Regional / Metropolitan

A utility installation used to:

  • transmit or distribute electricity
  • store electricity if the installed capacity is 1 megawatt or greater

What does ‘development cost’ mean?

The estimated development cost is a calculation of the materials and labour costs. Development costs should be calculated at a normal industry rate for the type of construction proposed.

All DFP applications must include a quantity surveyor report confirming the project’s estimated development cost.

Investment certainty

DFP applications must be submitted with written advice from the Chief Executive Officer, Invest Victoria confirming the project has demonstrated investment certainty or capacity to secure funding.  This requirement does not apply for:

  • projects carried out or funded by (or on behalf of) the State of Victoria or a public authority
  • applications for renewable energy facilities or utility installations

DTP officers will assist applicants to obtain Invest Victoria’s written advice during the DFP pre-application enquiry process. DTP will request the relevant financial and project documents after confirming the project is eligible for the DFP.

More information on preparing and submitting the feasibility assessment submission is provided in the below guides:

Development component

An application to the DFP must include a development component that can commence construction within 12 months of approval.

Meeting the DFP criteria does not guarantee that the Minister for Planning or DTP (under delegation) will approve the project. All applications are assessed on planning merit which includes the following:

  • alignment with the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (including the objectives of planning in Victoria)
  • alignment with state and local provisions of the planning scheme
  • consideration of the local context, including potential amenity and environmental impacts

Ineligible applications

Not all projects are eligible for the program, including:

  • Applications to subdivide land, except where:
    • The project includes a development component and is combined with a planning scheme amendment under section 96A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987), or
    • The project includes a renewable energy facility or utility installation associated with a renewable energy facility
  • Applications or consents for a use or development to which any of the following clauses apply: Clause 52.03 (Level Crossing Removal Project), Clause 52.20 (Victoria’s Big Housing Build), 52.30 (State Projects), Clause 52.31 (Local Government Projects), Clause 52.35 (Major Road Projects), Clause 52.36 (Rail Projects), Clause 53.19 (Non-Government Schools), Clause 53.20 (Housing by or on behalf of Homes Victoria), and Clause 53.21 (State Transport Projects).
  • Where the Minister for Planning has authorised or directed the Victorian Planning Authority to prepare or implement a plan for an identified precinct
  • Proposals to subdivide green wedge land into more lots or into smaller lots than allowed for by the relevant planning scheme.
  • Proposals for land in an Urban Growth Zone where a Precinct Structure Plan has not been prepared.

DFP assessment pathways

DTP offers two assessment pathways for DFP applications:

Planning permit applications

Planning permit applications lodged under Clause 53.22 and Clause 53.23 must satisfy the normal application requirements and processes with the following variations:

  • the Minister for Planning (or DTP under delegation) may waive or vary any building height or setback requirement
  • an application may be exempt from an application requirement
  • an application may be referred to a Standing Advisory Panel following public notice
  • an application is exempt from third party review at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal

DFP applications are subject to the same referral and public notice requirements as standard assessments. This means DTP will engage referral authorities and local governments and notify adjoining property owners and potentially affected parties if the planning scheme requires it. Authority and community views will be considered in DTP’s planning assessment.

Planning scheme amendment requests (including s96a applications)

Applications that meet the DFP eligibility criteria but cannot be assessed under Clause 53.22 or Clause 53.23 may be considered via a planning scheme amendment or section 96a combined planning permit application and planning scheme amendment.

This pathway may be suited for applications that require:

  • changes to the zone to allow for the proposed use
  • changes local planning scheme provisions
  • new planning controls to facilitate or control development
  • regional residential projects

DFP assessment process

The assessment process for DFP applications is outlined below.

All potential DFP applications must go through DTP’s pre-application enquiry process to confirm the application is eligible for a DFP pathway, coordinate Invest Victoria’s review, and assist applicants prepare complete applications.

The department will review the lodged documents. Preliminary planning and technical issues may be triaged. Further information may be requested if needed.

DTP will engage with referral authorities and council for technical review and specialist input.

All DFP applications will be subject to the same public notice requirements as standard assessments.

The community will be provided with the usual public notice period for reviewing proposals and lodging submissions if public notice is required by the planning scheme. This may involve notifying adjoining property owners and occupies via letter, placing a sign on the site, and publishing the application online. Community members will be able to review the proposal and provide written submissions to DTP.

An application may be referred to Planning Panels Victoria Priority Projects Standing Advisory Committee (PPSAC) to hear submissions and provide independent advice.

DTP will prepare a final assessment, considering all relevant state and local planning policy and feedback from referral authorities, council, and the community.

The final decision will be made by the Minister for Planning or delegated to the Department. The Minister’s reasons for decision and/or the planning officer report will be released following the decision.

How to apply

DFP pre-application enquiry

Applicants must submit a pre-application enquiry before lodging a DFP application.  DTP’s dedicated pre-application enquiry service will:

  • Confirm if a project is eligible for the program
  • Review pre-application enquiry materials and provide preliminary feedback
  • Identify what information is needed for a complete application
  • Engage with referral agencies and councils (if needed)
  • Facilitate a design review process with the Office of the Victorian Government Authority (if needed)
  • Review final application documents to confirm application completeness
  • Coordinate Invest Victoria’s feasibility assessment
  • Provide instructions for lodging DFP applications

Applicants should not pay the Metropolitan Planning Levy or application fees until directed by DTP.

Submit a DFP pre-application enquiry

Submit a DFP pre-application enquiry for a renewable energy project

DFP pre-application enquiry minimum documentation

A DFP pre-application enquiry must include:

  • A completed DFP portal enquiry form
  • A site and urban context analysis
  • Preliminary architectural drawings showing the proposed height, setbacks, property boundaries and access (not applicable to renewable energy facility or utility installation applications) or
  • Preliminary site layout plan/s showing the property boundaries, proposed site layout, setbacks and access (renewable energy applications only)
  • Preliminary information about any relevant external amenity impacts (for example, shadow diagrams, noise mitigation strategies, etc)
  • A written statement including the nature of the proposed use, hours of operation, number of staff, car parking provision, as relevant to the proposal.
  • A completed renewables pre-application meeting request form (renewable energy applications only)

DTP officers may request further information during the pre-application enquiry process.


DTP has prepared the following guides to help applicants in preparing DFP applications:


A dedicated facilitation team has been established within DTP to oversee the program.

All projects will be considered under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 including probity and confidentiality and will be subject to the same level of rigorous assessment and opportunity for consultation as per the standard assessment process.

The Minister for Planning appointed the Development Facilitation Program Standing Advisory Committee (DFPSAC), comprising Victorian Government executives, to review and oversee all planning scheme amendment requests that come through the program.

The DFPSAC will monitor the program via regular reporting. It will also monitor all reporting on DTP’s business as usual statutory planning functions, such as planning scheme amendments and planning permits. This will ensure all statutory decisions where the Minister for Planning is responsible are made in a timely manner.

Page last updated: 12/04/24