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Built environment climate resilience

Climate change threatens the built environment – the places we have built to use and enjoy in our everyday lives. This includes:

  • physical structures and assets, such as homes, other buildings and infrastructure
  • built and natural assets such as cultural heritage places, public parks and sports fields
  • how people interact with them via different activities and services.

The built environment adaptation action plan supports highly exposed Victorian cities, towns, suburbs and regional areas to tackle overlapping climate related events through resilience and recovery planning that considers all hazards.

It focuses on making our built environment more resilient to climate impacts like bushfires, heatwaves, drought, storm events and intense rainfall.

The plan will be delivered over the next 5 years (2022–2026), then updated every 5 years to 2050. To implement we will partner with human services, government agencies and highly exposed communities to better manage the risks of climate impacts.

Work already underway

  • Introducing minimum standards for around 320,000 rented homes' energy efficiency
  • Requiring planning schemes to respond to potential coastal impacts and sea level rise
  • Mapping coastal inundation hazards
  • Providing guidance for development in flood-affected areas
  • Mapping heat vulnerability in Melbourne and preparing advice for cooling our homes and streets
  • Improving planning and building system responses to bushfire risk, for example, by reforming plans to prioritise safety and continuing to direct growth to lower-risk parts of Victoria.
  • Building energy infrastructure resilience: from upgrading powerlines to reduce bushfire risks to supporting microgrids, batteries and community renewable energy projects in isolated areas.

Adaptation action plans

The Built Environment Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan is one of 7 adaptation action plans for Victoria:

  • built environment
  • education and training
  • health and human services
  • natural environment
  • primary production
  • transport
  • water cycle systems.

Go to Climate Action Victoria to find out about the other adaptation action plans.

Page last updated: 13/07/24


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