On this page:

The information here provides details of the type of additional documentation that may be required at authorisation. This information is in addition to the required information that has to be included with a request for authorisation to the Minister.

Required documentation may need additional information depending on the proposal and planning scheme requirements (for example, a traffic study).

Section 96A

Refer to section 96A – 96Z of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.


The amendment applies to 35 Gumtree Street, Gumtree, which is a combined planning permit application and planning scheme amendment under section 96A of the PE Act.

The amendment proposes to rezone part of the land within the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) from low density residential (LDRZ2) to low density residential (LDRZ3) and rezone part of the land outside the UGB from LDRZ2 to Green Wedge Zone (GWZ1).

The planning permit application seeks approval for:

  • subdivision of the land into 25 residential lots
  • removal of native vegetation
  • creation and removal of easements
  • creation of restrictions on the plan of subdivision

Required documentation

  • The prescribed fee
  • Information required by the planning scheme (may include supporting planning reports, Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP), etc.)
  • Any restrictive covenant that applies.
  • Ensure the granting of a permit will not result in a breach of a registered restrictive covenant (check title)
  • If a Metropolitan Planning Levy is required, a certificate should be supplied. Check sections 96T and 96U
  • Plans, title, application form, and draft permit in accordance with section 96A, including a statutory planning assessment of the permit application
  • Plans may include:
    • detailed site plan, elevations, sections and floorplans
    • street perspectives
    • shadow diagrams
    • site survey

Note: for higher density developments it may be applicable to provide an assessment against the better apartments design standards assessment that can be found in the Apartment Design Guidelines for Victoria (DELWP, 2021).

Heritage overlay

Refer to Planning Practice Note 1: Applying the Heritage Overlay


  1. The amendment implements the recommendations of the Gumnut Heritage Gap Study (Watkins 2018) to introduce the Heritage Overlay to 17 individually significant places, eight heritage precincts and one precinct extension on a permanent basis.
  2. Implements the Gumnut Township Heritage Review July 2020 (Watkins Updated March 2022) on a permanent basis by applying the Heritage Overlay to 121 individual places and five precincts, extending the boundaries of four existing heritage places and makes consequential changes to the Gumnut Planning Scheme including to remove redundant interim heritage controls.

Required documentation

  • Planning scheme maps (including any deletion maps for existing heritage controls being replaced)
  • A copy of the interim publish in ATS of the proposed:
    • Schedule to Clause 43.01 (Heritage Overlay)
    • Schedule to Clause 72.04 (Documents incorporated in this planning scheme)
    • Schedule to Clause 72.08 (Background Documents)
  • Proposed incorporated statement of significance or Heritage Design Guidelines
  • Supporting heritage study to be included as a background document

Vegetation controls

For example, SLO, VPO, ESO, DDO, residential zone schedules

Refer to planning practice note 7: Vegetation protection in urban areas


The amendment applies Schedule 9 to the Significant Landscape Overlay (SLO) on a permanent basis to all residential land in the municipality that is not currently included in a permanent SLO, including those areas covered by the Vegetation Protection Overlay (VPO) Schedule 1 and Schedule 3. This amendment replaces the interim SLO9 that was applied by Amendment C191. The amendment also deletes Schedule 2 and Schedule 4 to the Vegetation Protection Overlay (VPO).

Required documentation

  • Strategic basis for controls that may include:
    • significant tree studies
    • vegetation studies
    • neighbourhood character study
  • Justification for the choice of vegetation control and the proposed extent of application

Structure plan

Using an ACZ or DDOs


  1. The amendment implements the land use and development directions of the Ruby Town Activity Centre Local Plan (Author, 2019) by amending the Activity Centre Zone Schedule 1 (ACZ1) and making other associated changes to the Gumnut Valley Planning Scheme.
  2. The amendment proposes to apply the Design and Development Overlay 22 (DDO22) to the Beach Road Commercial Precinct in Gumnut Village on a permanent basis.

Required documentation

  • The structure plan document
  • Any technical reports that provided input into the strategic basis for the structure plan and/or draft proposed controls such as:
    • neighbourhood character study
    • built form review
    • vegetation study
    • structure plan
    • affordable housing study
    • employment and floor space review
    • public open spaces review
    • streetscapes and public spaces review
    • transport study
    • waste management review
  • Views of services agencies

Housing strategy and/or neighbourhood character study

Refer to the planning practice note 91: Using the residential zones and planning practice note 90: Planning for housing.


  1. The amendment applies new residential zones and the Neighbourhood Character Overlay (NCO) to residential areas across the municipality.
  2. The amendment proposes to implement the Housing and Settlement Strategy (Plan101, 2021) and Neighbourhood Character Study and Guidelines (Plan101, 2022) by making substantial changes to zones, overlay and policies affecting the Gumnut Shire residential areas.

Required documentation

Strategic basis for the proposed controls may include:

  • neighbourhood character study
  • activity centre strategy
  • housing strategy
  • residential investigation areas report



  1. The amendment proposes the rezoning of 532-534 Cuddle Pie Street, Gumnut Village, from an Industrial 1 Zone to a Commercial 2 Zone.
  2. The amendment proposes to rezone residential land in the township to Mixed Use Zone and Commercial 1 Zone in accordance with the recommendations of the adopted Gumnut Village Plan (Plan101, 2022).

Required documentation

Strategic basis for the proposed controls may include:

  • urban design analysis/report
  • design guidelines for industrial development
  • design guidelines for commercial development
  • retail strategy review
  • traffic report
  • precinct plan, structure plan or township plan
  • land supply analysis
  • environmental reports such as bushfire risk

Page last updated: 01/07/24