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What is Plan Melbourne?

Plan Melbourne is a metropolitan planning strategy that defines the future shape of the city and state over the next 35 years.

Integrating long-term land use, infrastructure and transport planning, Plan Melbourne sets out the strategy for supporting jobs and growth, while building on Melbourne's legacy of distinctiveness, liveability and sustainability.

The plan includes:

  • 9 principles to guide policies and actions
  • 7 outcomes to strive for in creating a competitive, liveable and sustainable city
  • 32 directions outlining how these outcomes will be achieved
  • 90 policies detailing how these directions will be turned into action

In addition, a 5 year implementation plan with 112 actions has been developed.

Find out more about what Plan Melbourne means for you.

Refreshing Plan Melbourne 2017

Any plan has to be updated to keep it current.

The Victorian Government made a commitment to refresh Plan Melbourne to ensure it addresses climate change, housing affordability and transport priorities. The refreshed plan builds on the extensive work and consultation underpinning Plan Melbourne 2014 and previous metropolitan strategies including Melbourne 2030 and Melbourne@5million.

The updated Plan Melbourne creates a clear direction for planning and a clear vision for Melbourne and Victoria more broadly.

View a summary of the changes between Plan Melbourne 2014 and Plan Melbourne 2017-2050

Plan Melbourne addendum 2019

The Plan Melbourne addendum updates Plan Melbourne with the most recent population and employment projections. It includes additional information on industrial and commercial land requirements, information that was not available in 2017 which further support Plan Melbourne’s directions and policies.

It acknowledges further development of the government’s long term infrastructure agenda and updates the 2050 spatial framework map to include new transformational projects such as Suburban Rail Loop.

It also seeks to embed the 20 minute neighbourhood concept into major infrastructure projects, helping to create and connect neighbourhoods that enable people to meet most of their everyday needs within 20 minutes of their home.

It is to be read in addition to Plan Melbourne 2017-2050 and the Plan Melbourne implementation plan. It was prepared in recognition of changes that have occurred since the release of Plan Melbourne in 2017.

Page last updated: 01/07/24