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About higher density residential precincts

A higher density residential precinct generally has larger lot sizes that are able to accommodate apartment and mixed-use developments. The precinct may be in or adjacent to an activity centre or within a large development site.

The streets and blocks in a higher density residential precinct provide for a high level of connectivity within and through the precinct. They also provide for an appropriate level of active street frontage and commercial uses at street level.

Why is it important?

With a larger population in a defined area it is crucial that the structure of a higher density residential precinct provides a high level of amenity in public spaces, access to facilities and services, protection of privacy and personal safety.

Objective 1.4.1: ensure higher density residential precincts are accessible

  1. Locate higher density residential precincts within, or on the edge of, an activity centre, or near a public transport node.
  2. Arrange blocks and streets in higher density residential precincts to provide all lots with access to an activity centre, public transport, and high quality public open space within a 400m walking distance.

Objective 1.4.2: ensure higher density residential precincts provide a high level of amenity and functionality for residents

  1. Make the streets of a higher density residential precinct, pedestrian priority streets.

    Tip: higher density residential precincts generate larger numbers of pedestrians. See Element 2.2 Pedestrian priority streets.

  2. Allow for lot sizes in a higher density residential precinct to accommodate communal open space with access to winter sun.
  3. Arrange higher density residential lots with rear or side lane access for resident car parking and services.

    Tip: by providing rear lane access to car parking, pedestrian areas are safely separated from vehicle crossovers.

  4. Locate visitor bicycle parking spaces nearby to higher density residential lots.

Objective 1.4.3: ensure a well-maintained, high amenity residential precinct

  1. Manage visitor and resident traffic and parking at the precinct scale.

    Tip: higher density residential precincts may generate increased demand for on-street visitor parking.

  2. Integrate provision for household waste and recyclable collection in the precinct structure.

    Tip: planning for future waste management systems at the subdivision and development stage can avoid waste bins lining a street or blocking paths.

Page last updated: 19/06/23