
Ministers assessment published
Referral number:
Bilateral agreement reference:

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GB Energy’s proposed project includes construction and operation of a pipeline and gas plant to produce gas from the Golden Beach gas field (in Victorian waters) for provision to the Victorian Transmission System.

The gas pipeline would be designed to flow in both directions which will allow for the Golden Beach gas field to be used as a gas reservoir or storage facility with a 40 year design life.

The proposed project includes the development if the following components:

  • two subsea horizontal wells approximately 3.8 kilometres offshore south from the town of Golden Beach, a 2.5 kilometre subsea pipeline and subsea infrastructure and a 1.3 kilometre pipeline shore crossing to the south of Golden Beach
  • a 21 kilometre buried pipeline in a 30 metre wide right of way from south-west of Golden Beach to Longford
  • associated pipeline infrastructure, including a compressor station off Sandy Camp Road in Dutson to compress the gas and collect water entrained in the gas.

The development would occur in two stages. The first stage being the production of gas by extracting a portion (approximately 40 petajoules) of the gas within the reservoir. The second stage being the conversion of the reservoir to a gas storage facility, providing an initial withdrawal capacity of up to 250 terajoules per day.

Minister's assessment

On 6 April 2021, the Minister for Planning completed his assessment under the Environment Effects Act 1978, which concludes the environment effects statement process for this project. The assessment has been provided to statutory decision-makers to inform approval decisions on the project, including the pipeline licence application and works approval application.

Public review and Inquiry


An Inquiry was appointed to consider the EES, works approval application and pipeline licence application and public submissions and inquire into the environmental effects of the proposal.

A directions hearing was held on 17 December 2020. The Inquiry held a submitter conference on 18 January 2021 and provided its report to the Minister for Planning on 2 March 2021.

Exhibition of EES

The Environment Effects Statement (EES), together with the EPA Works Approval Application (WAA) and pipeline licence application was released for public comment for a period of 30 business days, from Monday 26 October and 11.59pm on Monday 7 December 2020.

You can view the EES, Works Approval Application and pipeline licence application and any related documents at GB Energy Golden Beach Gas Projects.

Amended procedures and requirements

On 13 September 2020 the Minister issued amended procedures and requirements under the Environment Effects Act for the Golden Beach Gas Project EES. The amended procedures and requirements relate to the public exhibition and inquiry stages of the EES process, and provide for special measures to be implemented in light of the coronavirus pandemic and restrictions that apply under Victoria's state of emergency.

In particular, they provide for interested people to register to obtain their own copies of EES documentation, in the absence of the usual public display of hard copies at physical exhibition points. The Minister has also given direction about the possible use of technology such as video-conferencing for the inquiry.

The Minister issued his original procedures and requirements in September 2019 when he decided that an EES was required. The original procedures and requirements appear on this website in the Minister's Decision section below.

EES preparation

Consultation plan

GB Energy has prepared a consultation plan for the EES, outlining the opportunities and approaches for its community engagement during the preparation of the EES.

The plan may be updated as required during the preparation of the EES. If the plan changes, the updated version will be posted on this page.

Technical reference group

The department is convening an inter-agency technical reference group to advise the proponent and the department, as appropriate, on scoping and adequacy of the EES studies during the preparation of the EES, as well as coordination with statutory approval processes.

Scoping requirements

The scoping requirements set out the matters to be investigated and documented in the EES.

Draft scoping requirements for this EES were placed on public exhibition in March 2020. After considering public submissions on the draft scoping requirements, the Minister for Planning issued final scoping requirements in May 2020, dated April 2020.

Minister's decision on referral

On 8 September 2019 the Minister for Planning required GB Energy (VIC) Pty Ltd to prepare an environment effects statement (EES) under the Environment Effects Act 1978 to assess the potential environmental effects of the project.

Project contact

If you have any questions or feedback, please get in touch via the contact details below.

Proposed Golden Beach Gas Project queries:
GB Energy Pty Ltd
☎ Phone: 1800 423 637
✉ Email:

Page last updated: 26/06/24