The Urban Development Program Regional Report for Macedon Ranges provides analysis of residential and industrial land supply and demand.

Residential land supply

As measured from July 2006 to March 2012 residential building approval activity within the municipal area of Macedon Ranges has averaged 335 per annum.

Projected dwelling requirements sourced from Victoria in Future 2012 indicate that a total of 6,197 additional dwellings (or on average 413 per annum) will be required to house the projected population for the Shire of Macedon Ranges by 2026.

In total (excluding existing vacant residential lots) there is a residential supply of 5,845 potential lots.

It is estimated, based on the identified supply and Victoria in Future 2012 demand projections, there is around 19 years total supply of residential land stocks across the Shire of Macedon Ranges.

Macedon Ranges Res Cover

Industrial land supply

Within the Macedon Ranges Shire there was a total of 290 hectares zoned industrial land stock. Of this land, 149 hectares was available for industrial development. There is a diverse range of industrial zones in Macedon Ranges. There is Industrial 1, Industrial 2, Industrial 3 and Business 3 areas of industrial land. Industrial 1 is the largest with 242 hectares with 25 hectares of Business 3 land.

Based on analysis of aerial photography and stakeholder consultation, the consumption of land for industrial purposes has averaged 3.4 hectares per annum between 2004 and 2012.

In total, there is in excess of 15 years of industrial zoned land within the municipality based on the average annual rate of land consumption in the period 2004 to 2012.

Macedon Ranges Ind Cover

Page last updated: 22/10/19