On this page:

GLPS delivers changes to planning provisions or corrects planning scheme anomalies for land owned or proposed to be owned by the Victorian Government. We provide a transparent process so that government authorities can sell land that they no longer need in a fair way.

Government landowning departments and agencies that require planning scheme changes for their land can apply to us for assistance. This can be to rezone surplus government land, make changes to overlay provisions for existing sites delivering a government service delivery outcome or to determine planning provisions for land proposed to be owned by government in the future.

We do not provide assistance to non-Victorian Government departments, agencies, local government, the Commonwealth Government or private land owners. This applies even if the land in question is zoned for public use.

The Minister for Planning is the planning authority for changes to planning provisions for government land that are subject to assistance by the GLPS.

View completed government land proposals.

View current government land consultations.

The state project concierge helps industry, councils and state projects map out the planning approvals or pathways for projects on government land.

Government land planning process

The landowner or a nominated representative can submit an application and supporting documents to us. We will assess the application and provide a recommendation on the appropriate planning pathway. This includes proposed dates and an estimate of fees.

When an application is submitted, the site is assessed to determine which of 3 planning stream processes apply:

Sites that are generally consistent with the land use surrounding it and where zones/overlays are likely to be the same as the surrounding planning provisions. Proponents generally seek the views of Council and neighbouring owners and occupiers on the amendment.

Outcome: The Minister for Planning approves the amendment under section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Typical timeframe: 4-6 months after receiving a completed application and any requested further information.

Sites that are likely to:

  • capture a strategic opportunity for enhanced development outcomes
  • support delivery of a government project and future planning provisions that complement the surrounding area but are not necessarily the same as that surrounding the site.

Outcome: The Minster for Planning decides if the site is to be referred to the Government land standing advisory committee for advice. The Minister approves the amendment under section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act.

Typical timeframe: 8-12 months after receiving a completed application and any requested further information.

Similar to stream B sites, but may not require referral the Government land standing advisory committee. GLPS notifies the relevant council, nearby owners and occupiers, prescribed ministers and key stakeholders agreed with the council and receives submissions. GLPS reviews the submissions and then provides advice to the minister who may decide to consider the amendment or refer it to the Government land standing advisory committee for advice.

Outcome: The Minister approves the amendment under section 20(5) of the Planning and Environment Act.

Typical timeframe: 6-12 months after receiving a completed application and any requested further information.

Integrated development opportunities

The minister has established a separate advisory committee to consider integrated development opportunities arising from major transport infrastructure projects, including level crossing removals and the metro rail.

Find out more about the Victorian Transport Projects Integrated Development Opportunities Standing Advisory Committee.

How to apply for assistance from GLPS

Government landowning departments and agencies can seek assistance from GLPS by completing the following steps.

Step 1

Download and complete the application form below.

Include the following information with the application:

  • A surplus government land declaration form must be completed and signed if the site is determined surplus.
  • A letter or draft planning report that provides the strategic justification of a proposal – what is proposed and why it is justified.
  • Consideration should be given to Ministerial direction No 11 – Strategic Assessment of Amendments. Providing more information helps to make a better decision about the appropriate planning stream pathway for a proposal.
  • Other relevant reports to support your proposal – heritage study, arborist report.
  • Evidence of any consultation undertaken with local council and other interested groups.

Submit the application form to glp.service@transport.vic.gov.au.

Step 2

GLPS assesses the application and send the landowner a recommendation outlining the proposed planning stream pathway, tentative timelines, estimated costs, additional information required and how GLPS can assist.

GLPS aims to provide this information within 10 business days of submission.

The landowner will be sent a recommendation form and an acceptance form.

Step 3

The landowner must complete, sign and return the acceptance form and provide any additional information requested.

Following receipt of the signed acceptance form, GLPS will confirm which planning stream will be used. The Minster for Planning decides stream B sites.

The landowner’s role

As a minimum, the landowning department or agency must submit a letter or draft planning report that provides the strategic justification of a proposal. It is important to clearly articulate what is proposed and why it is justified.

Sites must have clear title prior to seeking GLPS assistance. Any issues relating to subdivision should be resolved prior to seeking assistance to ensure clarity around the site boundaries for proposed changes to a site’s planning provisions.

What to consider in a planning report

The planning report should consider the following:

  • State and Local Planning Policy Frameworks, Ministerial Direction – The Form and Content of Planning Schemes, and if relevant, Ministerial Direction No. 1 Potentially Contaminated Land, Plan Melbourne 2017-2050 and any Regional growth plans.
  • Who is the legal owner of the land?
  • Is the land Crown land, reserved or unreserved, or freehold land? Provide a copy of the title.
  • Are there any encumbrances on title?
  • What is the land’s previous, current and future use?
  • What legislation and relevant restrictions apply to the land?
  • What local government area is the land within?
  • What are the current planning scheme provisions that apply to the site
  • Is the land in a location of local, state or national strategic significance in planning framework?
  • Are there any environmental issues associated with the land, for example, contamination, flooding, trees?
  • What is the cultural heritage of the land and the impact on future uses?
  • What is the land’s capability, for example, buildings, transportation, infrastructure and natural resources?

Council’s role

The landowner should seek the views of the relevant council prior to submitting an application. Landowners may also request a letter of support from council to be provided with an application to GLPS.

If council does not support the proposal, the landowning agency or department can still proceed with an application. Council will have an opportunity to make a submission and be heard at the public hearing to enable its views to be heard.

For all proposals, GLPS liaises with the council to outline the proposal, process and timing. Council is also able to make a submission and present at the public hearing.

Consultation with communities

(streams B and C)

GLPS notifies nearby residents, council, servicing authorities and interested parties who may be affected by a planning provision change for a site and place a notice in local newspapers.

GLPS prepares a proposed notification boundary map with advice from the landholding agency or department and provide it to council for advice on who should be notified.

GLPS requires council to confirm:

  • which local newspaper(s) to place a public notice(s)
  • which residents, servicing authorities and interested parties should be notified
  • address details for all owners/occupiers, servicing authorities and interested parties.

The public has 6 weeks to make a submission to the advisory committee.

Current consultations

Matters are referred to the advisory committee in tranches.

To view the list of referrals and to make a submission on a particular tranche visit Engage Victoria.

Public information session and public hearings

The landowner and council will be invited to attend both the public information session and public hearing. Agencies and departments are expected to make a submission and present at the public hearing and will be asked to explain:

  • why a site is surplus, if applicable
  • what the proposed planning provision changes are
  • why the changes are being proposed.

It is preferable that the landowner and council can attend both the information session and public hearing.

For more complex proposals, departments and agencies may choose to be represented by a planning consultant.

Agencies and departments must provide a contact officer and telephone number to allow the public to ask questions about your proposal.


The landowning agency or department will cover costs associated with notification, including newspaper advertisements and postage, and the costs associated with the Advisory Committee which is administered by Planning Panels Victoria.

It is difficult to estimate fees as this is assessed on a site-by-site basis. To request the Minister for Planning to prepare an amendment to a planning scheme exempted from the requirements referred to in section 20(4) of the Act, a fee is payable.

More details on the fees relevant to a proposal are provided in the recommendation form.


The Minister for Planning writes to council when a decision has been made.

We write to individuals who made a submission to the advisory committee when a decision has been made.

The minister’s decision and the advisory committee report are made available on this website.

Privacy collection statement

This privacy collection statement relates to all addresses collected by the government land planning service. The GLPS undertakes notification for changes to planning provisions for land owned or proposed to be owned by the Victorian Government.

The GLPS is part of the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) and all data collected by DTP is handled in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

All information obtained is subject to DTP’s privacy policy which seeks to protect personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

Use of your addresses

The information requested will be used solely for the purpose of advising property owners and occupiers of proposed changes to the planning provisions and any decision made. Natural justice to participants and transparency are important parts of the GLPS process.

In meeting its legislative requirements and complying with the terms of reference, the GLPS may do the following with your addresses:

  • prepare mail merges for all addresses provided
  • send notification material and notice of any decision made to all addresses provided.

After the GLPS sends out notifications

When the GLPS have completed the notification process, your addresses will be marked as final kept on an internal database that will be password protected by the GLPS. If you have any concerns in respect to the way your addresses will be used please contact us.

Policy and guidelines

The Victorian Government Landholding Policy and Guidelines:

  • ensure that land is only purchased or retained by Victorian Government agencies where State ownership of land:
    1. contributes directly to current or future service delivery outcomes expected by Government
    2. is central to the core business of agencies as explained in agency corporate plans
    3. is financially beneficial to the State when compared to alternative investment of State funds
    4. in the case of Crown land, is appropriate on the basis that the protection of public land values make the land unsuitable for divestment.
  • promote the highest and best use of land by providing the opportunity for the private and community sectors and other government agencies to further unlock the value inherent in the State’s land estate
  • require active management of land portfolios across Victorian Government agencies which is essential to the good management of the State’s balance sheet.

The Victorian Government Land Transactions Policy:

  • provides a framework to achieve integrity, impartiality, accountability and transparency in land transactions
  • ensures that land transactions are conducted in accordance with the highest standards of probity, relevant legislation and Victorian Government policy.

The Victorian Government Strategic Assessment Policy and Guidelines:

  • ensure that assessments are undertaken for all Crown land that has been declared surplus to the requirements of a Victorian Government agency by the responsible landholding Minister
  • inform decision making by relevant landholding Ministers and the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water on:
    1. public land values of Crown land and
    2. the protection of public land values.
  • determine the status of traditional owner and / or native title rights for Crown land declared surplus to the requirements of a Victorian Government agency.

The Victorian Government Land Use Policy and Guidelines establish a framework that enables a strategic, whole-of-government approach to government land use decision making, in order to maximise public value for Victorian communities.

It seeks to achieve this through:

  • ensuring public value is the overarching objective of government land use
  • delivering strategic, whole-of-government advice to maximise public value
  • accessing accurate information about government land
  • defining clear government land policies, procedures and roles.

Page last updated: 29/08/24