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Developing a plan for Victoria

We’re reimagining the future of our cities, suburbs, towns, and regions.

Let’s talk about Victoria’s future, so we can protect the things we love while making our cities, suburbs, towns and regions thrive.

We’re creating a blueprint to guide how Victoria grows and develops as a state and we need your help to ensure it reflects the voices and diversity of all Victorians.

This means thinking and talking about how we can make Victoria a great place to live, work and play for everyone.

Looking ahead to 2050

We know Victoria is one of the best places to live in Australia. That’s why, by 2050, it will be home to more than ten million people, with eight million forecast to live in Melbourne and over two million in regional Victoria.

The way we live, work and connect is changing. As our state grows, we need smarter and more sustainable solutions to retain what makes us great.

In 2050, let’s be proud of the actions we take today.

Get involved

Everyone has a role to play in shaping Victoria which is why we’re bringing the discussion to you.

Late in 2023, we started to talk with leaders and key decision-makers across local government, as well as leaders from the housing, development, environment and community sectors.

Our engagement with the broader community starts now. We know that every suburb and every community across Victoria is unique. That’s why we are travelling to all corners of the state to bring the discussion to you where you live, work, study, play sport and gather for events and celebrations.

To get our blueprint right we need to talk about and imagine our future cities, suburbs, towns and regions. We need to hear your ideas and experiences to make sure we develop a plan that is for the whole state. Your input will help us to make decisions about the best places to locate new homes, green spaces, jobs, education, transport and health services across Victoria.

What kind of Victoria do we aspire to? And how will we get there?

All kinds of Victoria for all kinds of Victorians.

Visit Engage Victoria to find out about ways to get involved and events near you.


  1. Early 2024

    We will listen to your ideas

  2. Mid 2024

    We will start sharing ideas and drafting a plan

  3. Late 2024

    We will continue the conversation



Phone:136 186

Page last updated: 22/07/24


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