On this page:
Description of proposal
Our Lady Help of Christians Primary School - Buildings and works associated with an existing school.
Application details
Application received
Date: 05/04/2024
Public notice
Date of Notice: 08/07/2024
Responsible authority decision
Decision: Permit
Date of decision: 19/9/2024
Supporting documents
- PA2402851 - 28 Selby Road Warrnambool - Certificate of Title - Lot 39 on PS096297 - 080724 - ADVERTISED.pdf
- PA2402851 - 28 Selby Road Warrnambool - Architectural Plans - 080724 - ADVERTISED.pdf
- PA2402851 - 28 Selby Road Warrnambool - Certificate of Title - Lot 42 on PS096297 - 080724 - ADVERTISED.pdf
- PA2402851 - 28 Selby Road Warrnambool - Concept Landscape Plan - 080724 - ADVERTISED.pdf
- PA2402851 - 28 Selby Road Warrnambool - Stormwater Management Plan - 080724 - ADVERTISED.pdf
- PA2402851 - 28 Selby Road Warrnambool - Town Planning Report v2 - 080724 - ADVERTISED.pdf
- PA2402851 - 28 Selby Road Warrnambool -Title Plan - LP096297 - 080724 - ADVERTISED.pdf
- PA2402851-28 Selby Road Warrnambool-Arboricultural Report-080724 - ADVERTISED.pdf
- PA2402851-28 Selby Road Warrnambool-POL App Form-080724 - ADVERTISED.pdf
- PA2402851-28 Selby Road Warrnambool-Site Report-080724 - ADVERTISED.pdf
- PA2402851-28 Selby Road Warrnambool-Title Lot 1 PS053987-080724- ADVERTISED.pdf
- PA2402851-28 Selby Road Warrnambool-Title Lots 2 & 3 PS053987-080724 - ADVERTISED.pdf
- PA2402851-28 Selby Road Warrnambool-Title Plan LP053987-080724 - ADVERTISED.pdf
Permit details
Application number: PA2402851
Original Permit:
Type: Application for planning permit
Applicant name: Myers Planning & Associates
Address of Land:
28 Selby Road Warrnambool VIC 3280
Contact us
Development Approvals
Department of Transport and Planning