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The conditions of your planning permit may require you to submit plans or other documents for approval or endorsement. The permit conditions list actions that must be completed before, during or after construction.

These might read as:

  • Before the development starts…
  • Before the endorsement of plans…
  • Concurrently with the endorsement of plans…
  • Before any native vegetation is removed…
  • Within three months of the facility permanently ceasing operation….

Please ensure to check the wording of all planning permit conditions carefully. The conditions will state if you need to take a specific action or submit additional information.

For example, you may need to submit Amended Design Plans, Construction Environment Management Plans, Traffic Management Assessments, Predictive Noise Assessments, or other plans for endorsement as a condition of your planning permit.

DTP will only approve/endorse documents and plans the planning permit conditions require. These conditions are for things to be to the satisfaction of the responsible authority or Minister for Planning.

The work you do early to understand and address all the permit condition requirements will ensure that endorsement can occur more efficiently. If you have read, fully understood, and addressed all requirements of the condition, then endorsement is likely to be done more quickly. If you do not comply with the requirements of the conditions, plans cannot be endorsed.

What you must provide

You must give full details of how the requirements of the planning permit condition/s have been complied with and clearly describe which plan this is shown on, and how it is addressed. Please ensure when lodging a request to endorse plans that you provide us with a table that:

  • includes the text from each permit condition under which you seek endorsement of documents
  • includes discussion on whether the document was prepared in consultation with any authority specified in the condition (as required)
  • includes your explanation of how the submitted document meets the condition requirement and any sub-conditions
  • provides detail about where in a document the information is found (for example, see page 73 of the EMP).

This table may look like the following:

Permit Condition Reference Document Reference page and further notes

Amended Plans

  1. Before development starts, amended development plans must be submitted to, approved and endorsed by the responsible authority. When endorsed, the plans will form part of this permit
  1. Identification of native vegetation onsite.
  2. Minimum setback of security fencing and solar arrays from the dwelling on site.
Attachment 1 – Amended Plans
  1. Page S1/PP3 of the amended development plans identifies all native vegetation onsite
  2. Page S2/PP3 of the amended development plans shows the minimum setbacks of security fencing and solar arrays from the dwelling on site.

Risk Management Plan

3. Prior to the endorsement of plans under condition 1, a risk management plan, incorporating a risk assessment, must be prepared to the satisfaction of the CFA; the plan must:

Attachment 2 – Email from the CFA Refer to email from the CFA on 12 April 2023, referencing CFA’s satisfaction with the risk management plan

Traffic Management Plan

41. Before development starts, a Traffic Management Plan must (TMP) be submitted to, approved and endorsed by the responsible authority. Once endorsed, the plan will form part of this permit. The TMP must

  1. Specify measures to be taken to appropriately eliminate, reduce or mitigate road safety hazards and traffic impacts associated with the construction and operation of the solar energy facility.
  2. Be approved by the relevant road management authority (or authorities) prior to submission to the responsible authority.
Attachment 3 – Traffic Management Plan
  1. Refer to Section 4.1.1 ‘Traffic Management Measures’ of the TMP for a complete list of the measures in accordance with condition 41a).
  2. Refer to email from Council and/ or the Department of Transport confirming that the TMP (Revision 1) has been approved

Conditions may require particular design or management plans to be prepared in consultation with / or approved by various external organisations. These organisations may include the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Actions (DEECA), Council, Country Fire Authority (CFA), etc. Please ensure that evidence that consultation has been undertaken is provided, as this is required before the endorsement of plans by DTP. This evidence may be in the form of a letter or email chain which confirms the organisation has been consulted and is satisfied. Please note that any correspondence with an external organisation must include identical plan references, dates and version numbers of documents or plans to the ones submitted to DTP for endorsement.

Conditions, particularly noise, may also require documents or plans to be prepared in compliance with a specific guideline or protocol, such as, EPA Publication 1826.4 (Noise limit and assessment protocol). Please ensure that any specified guideline in a permit condition is considered in the appropriate document or plan with precise details regarding how compliance has been achieved.

Avoiding delays

To prevent delays, it is recommended that you factor time into your delivery schedule to enable the department to assess your plans for compliance against the conditions. Submit clearly labelled and detailed design and management plans to the Department for approval well before the commencement of the relevant activities.

If you are unsure about any part of the process, please email for confirmation.

Page last updated: 04/07/24


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