On this page:

What is this template for?

The guide was designed to address a lack of understanding of the submission process, including what council can and cannot consider in a submission.

Instructions for use

The template can be customised to reflect your council’s submission process.

Updating text on the guidance template

The guidance template outlines a standard process and can be edited to fit your council's needs.

The following areas of the tool can be customised:

  1. add your letterhead or logo/standard headers and footers to identify your council
  2. amend text to reflect the submission process in your council
  3. remove the instructions in yellow highlight/red text before publishing.

Where should the guidance document be available

The template should be made available on your council’s website for applicants to access. Ideally this tool will also be mailed out as part of the documentation accompanying the public notice letter.

Tips to get the most out of this tool

For this tool to be most effective at your council, we recommend:

  • ensuring the process is understood by planning and admin staff
  • circulating the tool with applicants. It is important that the applicant community become familiar with the submission process
  • storing a copy of the tool where it can be easily located for planners and applicants.
  • mailing this document out with public notice letters, or including an additional note on the letter with where to find this document should applicants intend to make a submission

Having a well outlined submission process, including what council can and can’t consider in a submission will increase applicant understanding of the process.

Page last updated: 01/07/24