The Urban Development Program Regional Report for Ballarat provides updated analysis of residential and industrial land supply and demand.

Residential land supply

From 2006/07 to 2008/09 residential building approval activity within the municipal area of Ballarat has averaged 787 dwellings per annum, the amount of building approval activity as measured on an annual basis has been relatively consistent.

From 2011 to 2016, Victoria in Future 2008 projections indicate that the average annual dwelling demand across the municipal area of Ballarat will be 819; from 2016 to 2021 – 834 per annum, declining to 784 per annum from 2021 to 2026.

In total (excluding existing vacant residential lots) there is a residential lot supply of 31,785.

It is estimated, based on the identified supply and Victoria in Future 2008 demand projections, there is over 15 years total supply of residential land stocks across the Ballarat municipality.

UDP Regional Residential Report Ballarat

Industrial land supply

There is approximately 922 hectares of zoned industrial land in City of Ballarat, of which 847 hectares is in the Industrial 1 Zone and 75 hectares is in the Industrial 3 Zone. Of the total, around 236 hectares has been identified as supply (or vacant) and, of this figure, around 198 hectares is estimated as developable.

Based on analysis of aerial photography and stakeholder consultation, the consumption of land for industrial purposes has averaged 8.7 hectares per annum between 2001 and 2009.

In total, there is in excess of 15 years of industrial zoned land within the municipality based on the average annual rate of land consumption in the period 2001 to 2009.

UDP Regional Industrial Report Ballarat

Regional Industrial Report - City of Ballarat

Note: This Document is a large file and may take some time to download. The report is also available for downloading in smaller sections and in accessible format below.

Maps from the report are available separately in both full colour and black and white.

Full colour maps

Black and white maps

Page last updated: 22/10/19