Generate Interim Publish documents for a single planning scheme or single ordinance that has been recently updated in ATS Authoring

The above guides show how users can generate a set of documents that covers the entire amendment. However, there may be a time when the user only wants to run the Interim Publish for a small part of the amendment.  This guide shows the user the available filter options to;

  • Select to produce a set of documents for a single planning scheme – useful for VC or GC amendments where a re-print is needed only for the updated ordinance in a single planning scheme, or
  • Select to produce a set of documents for a single ordinance that is being changed – useful where a re-print is needed for an updated ordinance

1. From the Interim Publish screen (see step 1 from above guides if needed) enter a name for the folder. The name should make sense and does not need to include the amendment number, date or status.
2. If a copy of the documents with track changes is needed, then check the box at ‘Product PDF Comparisons’ and select the required filter. A reminder that selecting ‘Baselines’ will provide a copy of the documents with track changes showing proposed changes against the current master copy from the planning scheme.
3. At the section ‘Produce Outputs For’, you have some options;

a. Produce documents for the Entire Amendment – will produce a set of documents that will include all the ordinance that have been selected to be changed for all planning schemes, orUsing the filter for producing outputs

b. Produce documents for just one planning scheme, covering all instructions – will produce a set of documents that will include all the ordinance that have been selected to be changed for the selected planning scheme, orSelecting to produce outputs for one planning scheme
c. Produce documents for just one planning scheme, covering an individual instruction – will produce a set of documents that will include the ordinance that has been selected to be changed for the selected planning scheme. Note if sibling ordinance is also being changed as part of the amendment, they will also be included in the to produce an interim publish for single instruction item

The instructions listed in the drop down are the same as those that can be seen as the ‘System Note’ when in the amendment document;System notes in amendment document

4. Once the appropriate selections have been made, continue to run the Interim Publish and view the documents when available. (see steps 7 to 9 in the above section of the guides if needed).

Page last updated: 29/08/24