Generate an Interim Publish with a comparison to a previously saved version of the amendment document (compare to a snapshot)
When a user wants to see their proposed changes to ordinance against a copy of the ordinance that has been saved at another point in time, they can choose to compare to a snapshot that they have generated (‘My Snapshots’) or they can compare to a system generated snapshot. System generated snapshots are created at the time the status of the amendment is changed.
1. Using ATS Authoring, whilst in the amendment document, select the Interim Publish button.
2. The user will be taken to the interim publish screen. The amendment number will default to the amendment that is being worked on. If the amendment number is not appearing, enter the number and select it when listed.
3. Enter a name for the folder. The name should make sense and does not need to include the amendment number, date or status.
4. Check the box at to ‘Product PDF Comparisons’.
5. At the ‘Comparison Filter’ field, select either ‘My Snapshots’ or ‘System Generated’.
6. At the ‘Compare to’ field, select the snapshot that the comparison is to be made to.
7. Select the ‘RUN INTERIM PUBLISH’ button.
8. Select OK to acknowledge the message that the request has been submitted.
9. A reference number will appear above the amendment field showing that the request has been submitted. Do not click on ‘RUN INTERIM PUBLISH’ again.
10. Follow steps 10 to 19 from the above section to understand how to access the interim publish folder and download the documents.
Page last updated: 29/08/24