Ministerial permit: 20070531B

On this page:

Description of proposal

The permit is to be amended by: change to the preamble to remove reference to "use" as dwellings, shop, food and drink premises and office are as-of-right uses in the Capital City Zone Schedule 3; Modificatioons of plans associated with the development to increase the height, and change to the form and internal layout of the building Partial demolition of existing building and use and development of a multiple dwelling residential building including ground floor Food and drink premises (other than Hotel and Tavern) and Shop (other than Adult sex bookshop and Bottle shop) and a reduction in the associated car parking requirements.

Application details

  1. Application received

    Date: 30/07/2014

  2. Public notice

  3. Responsible authority decision

Permit details

Application number: 20070531B

Type: Application for planning permit

Address of Land:

1-11 Balston Street Southbank VIC 3006

Contact us

Development Approvals

Department of Transport and Planning
