On this page:
Description of proposal
The use and development of the land for a wind energy facility and utility installation, associated buildings and works, removal of native vegetation and alteration of access to a Transport Zone Schedule 2.
Application details
Application received
Date: 31/07/2023
Public notice
Date of Notice: 06/02/2024
Responsible authority decision
Supporting documents
- PA2302394 - Gelliondale Wind Farm - Combined Title Documents.pdf
- PA2302394 - Gelliondale Wind Farm - Planning Context Plans.pdf
- PA2302394 - Gelliondale Wind Farm - Statements of Consent.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Application form.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Aviation Impact Assessment-260723.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Background Noise Monitoring Report.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Bird & Bat Assessment Alberton WF.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Crown Land Crossings Table 2 for Appendix A.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Distance Survey Reports.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-EMI Assessment.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Flora & Fauna Report 230714.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Historic Heritage Advice.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Landscape Visual Impact Assessment.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Noise Assessment.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Planning Report.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Plans and Elevations compressed.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Prelim Geotechnical Investigation.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Proposed Layout Coordinates.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Risk Management Plan Inc Fire Safety Study.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Shadow Flicker & Blade Glint Assessment Report.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Targeted Flora Survey Report.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-TfV Letter of Consent.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Traffic Impact Assessment.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-TRZ2 Technical Note.pdf
- PA2302394-Gelliondale Wind Farm-Verification Of Pre-construction (Environmental) Noise Modelling Assessment.pdf
Permit details
Application number: PA2302394
Type: Application for planning permit
Address of Land:
South Gippsland Highway Gelliondale VIC 3971
Contact us
Development Approvals
Department of Transport and Planning