On this page:
Description of proposal
Loyola College - Part demolition and buildings and works to facilitate the construction of a new building associated with an existing Education Centre (Secondary School); and vegetation removal.
Application details
Application received
Date: 27/02/2023
Public notice
Date of Notice: 26/04/2023
Responsible authority decision
Decision: Permit
Date of decision: 15/6/2023
Supporting documents
- PA2302094 - 324 Grimshaw Street Watsonia - Sustainability Management Plan Version 2 (19 April 2023).pdf
- PA2302094 - 325 Grimshaw Street, Watonsia - Survey plan .pdf
- PA2302094 - 325 Grimshaw Street, Watsonia - Respond to request for information form 2023-04-12 10-10.pdf
- PA2302094 - 325 Grimshaw Street, Watsonia - RFI additional response re SMP - 27032023.pdf
- PA2302094 - 325 Grimshaw Street, Watsonia -RFI response 23032023 .pdf
- PA2302094-325 Grimshaw Street Watsonia-Arboricultural Impact Assessment-270223.pdf
- PA2302094-325 Grimshaw Street Watsonia-Architectural Drawings-200323.pdf
- PA2302094-325 Grimshaw Street Watsonia-Cover Letter-270223.pdf
- PA2302094-325 Grimshaw Street Watsonia-MPL Certificate-270223.pdf
- PA2302094-325 Grimshaw Street Watsonia-Planning Report-270223.pdf
- PA2302094-325 Grimshaw Street Watsonia-POL App Form-270223.pdf
- PA2302094-325 Grimshaw Street Watsonia-Pre App Response -270223.pdf
- PA2302094-325 Grimshaw Street Watsonia-Seminary & Environs Heritage Plan 1994-270223.PDF
- PA2302094-325 Grimshaw Street Watsonia-Title Documents combined-270223.pdf
Permit details
Application number: PA2302094
Type: Application for planning permit
Applicant name: Loyola College
Applicant address: 325 Grimshaw Street Watsonia VIC 3087
Address of Land:
325 Grimshaw Street Watsonia VIC 3087
Contact us
Development Approvals
Department of Transport and Planning