On this page:
Description of proposal
Construction of an 18-storey building comprising 95 dwellings and a ground floor retail premises, and alteration of access to a road in the Transport Zone 2.
Application details
Application received
Date: 12/06/2024
Public notice
Date of Notice: 24/01/2025
Responsible authority decision
Supporting documents
- 20230038_27 Princes Highway, Dandenong_UD_memo 28112024.pdf - Advertised.pdf
- 2231 - 27 Princess Hwy - Rev B.pdf- Advertised.pdf
- 30N-23-0280-TNT-92999-0 - Wind Impact Statement.pdf- Advertised.pdf
- AHPP RFP Cover Letter_27 P_Merged.pdf- Advertised.pdf
- Arborist Report.pdf - Advertised.pdf
- Cover Letter 29.11.pdf - Advertised.pdf
- PA2402978-27 Princes Highway Dandenong-Feature Survey-120624.pdf - Advertised.pdf
- PA2402978-27 Princes Highway Dandenong-Green Travel Plan-120624.pdf - Advertised.pdf
- PA2402978-27 Princes Highway Dandenong-POL App Form-120624.pdf - Advertised.pdf
- PA2402978-27 Princes Highway Dandenong-Reestablishment Survey-120624.pdf - Advertised.pdf
- PA2402978-27 Princes Highway Dandenong-Sustainability Management Plan-120624.pdf - Advertised.pdf
- PA2402978-27 Princes Highway Dandenong-Title Plan TP562068P-120624.pdf - Advertised.pdf
- PA2402978-27 Princes Highway Dandenong-Title-120624.pdf - Advertised.pdf
- PA2402978-27 Princes Highway Dandenong-Urban Context Report & Design Response-120624.pdf - Advertised.pdf
- Town Planning Report - R2.pdf - Advertised.pdf
- Traffic Impact Assessment.pdf - Advertised.pdf
- Waste Management Plan.pdf - Advertised.pdf
Permit details
Application number: PA2402978
Type: Application for planning permit
Applicant name: 27PD Pty Ltd
Applicant address: 1, Level 2 902-912 Mt Alexander Road Essendon VIC 3040
Address of Land:
27 Princes Highway Dandenong VIC 3175
Contact us
Development Approvals
Department of Transport and Planning