Ministerial permit: PA2302199-1

On this page:

Description of proposal

s72 Amendment: to amend the plans (to develop temporary access between the private road (which provides access to the Blue Gums Switching Station) and the Mortlake Terminal Station (MTS), the temporary access will: • Include a crossover which connects to the private road on Lot 2\PS828696; • Traverse the undeveloped road reserve between Lot 2\PS828696 and Lot 1\PS620663; • Traverse Lot 1\PS620663, the Origin-owned land on which the Mortlake Power Station is located on; and • Connect to existing access tracks associated with the MTS (on Lot 2\PS620663, the Site)

Application details

  1. Application received

    Date: 08/10/2024

  2. Public notice

    Date of Notice: 04/12/2024

  3. Responsible authority decision

Supporting documents

Permit details

Application number: PA2302199-1

Original Permit: PA2302199

Type: Application to amend planning permit

Applicant name: Beca Pty Ltd

Applicant address: Level 23 695 Collins Street Docklands VIC 3008

Address of Land:


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Development Approvals

Department of Transport and Planning
