On this page:
Description of proposal
Emmanuel College - s72 Amendment: amendments to the endorsed plans as follows: - Addition of 15 Crawley Street to the school to provide for a new car park, combining with a car park proposed at the 13 Crawley Street frontage. - Landscaping changes - Minor courtyard and rain water tank alterations - Building alterations (windows) - Signage changes - Cross sections and revised elevations to include reference to car park area - Traffic Report changes based on the amendments.
Application details
Application received
Date: 24/05/2024
Public notice
Date of Notice: 21/06/2024
Responsible authority decision
Decision: Permit
Date of decision: 12/7/2024
Supporting documents
- Form 4 Planning Permit No PA2201869.pdf
- PA2201869 - Stormwater Mangement Plan - AMENDED ENDORSED PLANS (Condition 15) (1).pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Approved Development Plan Council-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Architectural Plans-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-CHMP Approved-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Civil Plans-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Cover Letter-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Landscape Plan-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Plan PS327562H-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Plan PS619541P-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Plan PS724625V-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Planning Report-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-POL App Form-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Stormwater Management Plan-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Title Lot 1 PS327562H-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Title Lot 2 PS619541P-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Title Lot 2 PS724625V-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Title Lot 65 PS0590001-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Title Plan LP059001-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Traffic Impact Assessment Report-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-1-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool-Year 9 Centre Traffic Impact Assessment Report-230524.pdf
- PA2201869-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool- Endorsed Plans - Architectural Plans-310523.pdf
- PA2201869-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool- Endorsed Plans - Civil Plans-310523.pdf
- PA2201869-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool- Endorsed Plans - ESD Report-310523.pdf
- PA2201869-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool- Endorsed Plans - Landscape Plan-310523.pdf
- PA2201869-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool- Endorsed Plans - Memorandum Environmental Noise Review-310523.pdf
- PA2201869-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool- Endorsed Plans - Tree Risk Assessment May 2023-310523.pdf
- PA2201869-13 Crawley Street Warrnambool- Endorsed Plans - Tree Risk Report-310523.pdf
Permit details
Application number: PA2201869-1
Type: Application to amend planning permit
Address of Land:
13 Crawley Street Warrnambool VIC 3280
15 Crawley Street Warrnambool VIC 3280
140-150 Botanic Road Warrnambool VIC 3280
Contact us
Development Approvals
Department of Transport and Planning