Transcript of video: bushfire management overlay.


Speaker: Mark Costello

What I love about living in the bush is the space, the nature, just the connection with what is going on around us, but most importantly, it is where I want to, and how I want to, raise my family.


Speaker: Mark Costello

We know fire is a part of Australia's landscape, so we take precautions: we keep the grounds as clear as we can, we have plenty of water on site, we have back up pumps.

We just promote vigilance.


Speaker: Chris Jacobsen, operations officer, Country Fire Authority

In the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, 173 lives were lost and more than 2,000 homes were destroyed.

We know how important it is to protect the things we care about: families, homes, communities, businesses and the environment.

The bushfire management overlay identifies properties with an extreme bushfire risk.


Speaker: Mark Costello

I have lived in the overlay for about 15 years and it is not something to be scared of, at all.

It is there for a reason and it is there to protect properties, assets and, most importantly, kids' lives, or our lives, people's lives.


Speaker: Chris Jacobsen, operations officer, Country Fire Authority

If you live within 150 metres of a large area of vegetation, your home will be in the overlay.

So, if you are planning on building a new property, or a significant extension to an existing property, there are clear steps you can take to make the property safer.

These include clearing vegetation and installing water tanks to help firefighters defend your property.

During the Black Saturday bushfires, over 90% of the homes lost to ember attack were within 150 metres of the bush.

End of video.

Page last updated: 30/10/23